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Mit dem Einkaufen fortfahrenThe Large Size Abstract Paintings Collection by Paresh Nrshinga features a captivating selection of original artworks, with sizes ranging from 80” to 100” in total combined length (for example, a 40”x40” piece counts as 80” and a 60”x40” piece counts as 100”). This collection embodies Paresh’s signature approach to abstract art, featuring bold brushstrokes, dynamic compositions, and a vibrant mix of colors. These large-scale paintings are ideal for making a bold statement in any space, whether it’s your living room, office, or gallery. With their striking visual impact and contemporary flair, these pieces are designed to transform modern interiors and create a lasting impression.
Shop by size means adding width and height together, i.e. 30x40 in = 30+40=70 in
Small size art < 49 in| 124 cm
Medium size art ranges 50-79 in | 127-199 cm
Large size art ranges 80-100 in | 200-254 cm
Extra Large size art > 101 in | 256 cm
59 products gefunden in Large Abstract Art