Ihr Einkaufswagen ist im Moment leer.
Mit dem Einkaufen fortfahrenFireworks Night 34x48"
“Fireworks Night” is an abstract painting that features a taupe plain background, providing a neutral canvas for the dynamic swirls of burgundy, red, gold, and white. The vibrant colours dance across the painting, capturing the subtle and intricate movements of the wind. The burgundy and red evoke passion and energy, while the gold adds a touch of warmth and luminosity. White accents weave through the composition, enhancing the sense of fluidity and grace. This piece invites the viewer to feel the invisible whispers of the wind, portraying its gentle yet powerful presence through a harmonious blend of colours and forms.
About my art:
The world we live in is made of colour. Colour is what creates beauty, and energy. It evokes emotion, it involves feelings. I have always been fascinated with colour and shape. Combining two, you have unlimited possibilities of creating art. But creating art, or painting in my case, goes deeper than putting two of them together. It starts with emotion or feeling and then it “spills out” on canvas. Some of my paintings are impulse paintings where inner emotion takes over and guides my paintbrush, whereas others are journeys, that surprise even me. Through my paintings I try to express the way I see the world and connect with viewers on an emotional level, hoping to capture the moment on canvas.
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